When you relax, your fear diminishes and you can move forward with the habits you are seeking to create. On this page, you can find several items to help you chill out. If you buy one of these items you will be supporting the author of Habit Maker as well as doing yourself a favor. 😃
Kefir -- fermented like yogurt, but it's a high protein drink that can aid digestion and reduce stress.
Tart Cherry Juice -- may improve the ability to relax and sleep. Reliefs pain. Great recovery drink for athletes.
Vegemite -- yeast best spread with lots of B vitamins.
Music can soothe our soul and help us relax. If you have Amazon Prime and Alexa or the Alexa App you can say, "Alexa play relaxation music." Amazon Prime has many extra benefits including 5% cash back and quick. Music has many other benefits, too. See The Mozart Effect